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Some history

Polish fates – the soldiers of the Polish II Corps in the West

Józef Moroz born in Szczebra in 19.10.1903, the resident of Augustów from 1936, an employee of the Roads Administarion, a soldier of the Polish II Corps

The author of text and pictures: Danuta Cuper


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Paweł Huszcza , the son of Fanciszek, born on 25 January 1921 in Augustów. He was a member of the Youth Conspiracy Organisation operating in those days in Augustów. In spring 1940 he was arrested by NKVD together with other members of this organisation and consigned in Mińsk and after sentence he was transported to gulag in the north part of USSR. In 1941 he joined Anders’ Army on the territory of USSR and went with it the whole battle trail. He served in the Polish 5th Kresowa Infantry Division (4 November 1941 – September 1947). In 1944 rifleman Paweł Huszcza appointed to corporal was a squad commander. He got to the Italian front and fought near Sango, Volturno, Monte Cassino, captured Bogna. After the war the Polish 5th KID stayed within the army of occupation in Italy. In June 1946 corporal Huszcza together with the Polish 5th KDP was transported to England and came back to Poland in 1948. He worked in the headquarters of the District Fire Service in Augustów and retired in 1981. He died on 12 March 1986.

The author of text and pictures: Tomasz Huszcza

Aleksander Kalinowski born on 19 July 1913 in Rutki Stare. Before the war he worked on his mother farm. In 1937 he joined the army and participated in the September Campaign. He was taken to the Soviet captivity near Lviv. On 17 September 1941 as a rifleman he joined the Polish Army which was being formed in USSR. He went the battle trail in the Polish II Corps in the West. In 1943 he completed driving course in Palestine. In the Battle of Monte Cassino he was driving without lights as not to be shot by the Germans. In September 1946 he was transferred with his unit to England. On 15 May 1947 he was demobilized and returned to Poland. He never wanted to stay in England. He came back to his family village Rutki Stare and in 1947 he married Regina (family surname Kolenda). He developed rheumatism in the Soviet captivity when he stayed in the cell full of water. He was very sensitive to all memories connected with war. He had 5 daughters. He died on 18 January 2001.

The author of pictures: Lukasz Olszewski